LA Solar Group

Solar Energy Transportation

Solar Energy Transportation

The majority of people associate solar power with roofs that are covered in photovoltaic panels. It’s easy to understand why many homes have turned to solar power for green, sustainable energy.

But, cheap electricity for your home isn’t the only goal of solar power; there are many other benefits of solar energy.

Some examples of Solar Energy

While roof-mounted photovoltaic (photovoltaic)panels are the main source of much of this production however, standalone devices can produce enough power for transport, technology and industry.

Solar Energy Transportation

It is possible to believe that the concept of being able navigate the globe without relying on fossil fuels is futuristic.

Solar Impulse 2 achieved the remarkable feat in June 2014. It weighs about the same as a typical family car however, it has a wingspan similar to a plane. The lithium batteries are able to absorb sunlight throughout the day and retain enough power to allow flying to go on in bad weather and at night.

The popularity of commercial vehicles that have thin solar mats on their roof is also increasing. This is changing the way that transportation is conducted. Businesses save money on energy, cut emissions, and keep costs stable. These savings benefit customers.

While solar-powered rail is just beginning to take off, it is growing rapidly. Solar panels installed near railway lines provide enough energy to power lights and signals at certain train stations. In the near future, fully-solar-powered trains could be possible. Rail networks can be able to be independent of the grid in the nation and enjoy multiple economic benefits.

Hybrid solar-powered vehicles seem to have a slow reputation regardless of how efficient. The technology has advanced to the point that hybrid solar-powered vehicles are able to be competitive with gas-powered vehicles.

Solar Light

Solar lighting can be employed to illuminate a path or help a tree shine, it’s an extremely effective method to accomplish this.

String lights or spikes are easy to set up and require no power source. Instead solar panels are small and absorb sunlight during the day and store it to use later.

The system is also employed in more powerful Led bulbs. They demand very little power to give adequate illumination. They can be utilized to light large areas, driveways, and even entrances. Solar-powered security lighting with pir technology detects motion and automatically turns on the lights.

Best Solar Company in Los Angeles LA Solar Group

Solar Heating

Thermal heating makes use of roof-mounted panels (collectors), to harness the sun’s heat to warm water. It’s easy and efficient enough to provide 40 to 70 percent of a typical family’s hot water requirements every year.

  • Solar energy captured by fluid, which is stored in tubes in every panel.
  • The hot fluid passes via a heating exchanger to get to the hot water storage tank.
  • It is distributed around the pipes in the same way like any central heating system.

Solar energy comes for completely free so you can reduce your energy bill and carbon footprint, while also making less strain on your boiler.

Solar space heating uses solar energy and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. The system can be used to heat entire houses as well as the water supply by adding heating exchanges. It also uses the roof mounted solar evacuated tube panels sometimes referred to as collectors.

  • Corn glycol is a liquid which circulates in the tubes. It absorbs sun’s energy then returns to a storage tank.
  • The tank circulates heating the water in the heating system to temperatures of 130-175 degrees F.
  • The hot water is pumped across your heating unit to supply you with warmth.

A heat exchange could be used to generate enough hot water to fill homes. This is ideal for summer months, where heating is not needed.

The most cost-effective and efficient method of heating swimming pools is to use solar space heating technology.

Rooftop Solar Power

Photovoltaic cells make use of the sun’s energy to produce electricity. It is then converted to the power that is used in both domestic and commercial buildings. A 5kw system is fully paid off over 6-9 years.

Certain types of products and circumstances don’t require a full solar array powered by solar panels. For these devices the use of a small solar charger is adequate.

An inverter with a small capacity is required for devices using a DC battery supply. This allows the power to be alternated from a small number of solar cells.

There are many devices that could benefit from free, clean solar energy.

  • Keyboards
  • Refrigerator
  • Telescopes
  • Watches
  • Radios
  • Generators
  • Outdoor showers

Solar in the Community

90 million households across America are not able to set up solar panels for (1) motive or the other. The community solar system consists of a number of solar panels that are located in a central location that residents are able to use. Customers who register immediately receive reduced energy bills as well as other advantages.

  • The installation is easy and there is no need to worry if your roof’s orientation or design isn’t suitable for solar energy.
  • You don’t have to make a big investment upfront. Instead, you can save money by enrolling in an annual subscription.
  • Solar power can help safeguard against the rising cost of energy and disruptions in supply.
  • Local economy support the local economy; fossil fuel production relies heavily on solar power, and human-powered logistics.
  • You can cut down on pollution and emissions of 02 by taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.

Community solar energy benefits your home, local economy and the environment.

Can solar energy be used in transportation?

There is a huge enthusiasm for solar energy right now and numerous companies, not just in the energy sector, are looking to profit from it. This is particularly true for solar-powered transportation. We are witnessing the development of modern solar vehicles.

1. A solar-powered yacht

Imagine a boat that doesn’t require fuel, just solar energy. It is silent and produces no emissions and is able to travel indefinitely.

As per the company, Silent 55 yachts have it all and more.

  • Maintainable electric motor
  • There isn’t any heat buildup
  • The most efficient marine propulsion system that is
  • Battery Banks come with an eight-year warranty
  • Solar panels come with a 25-year warranty

It is equipped with thirty high-end solar panels along with lithium batteries and the maximum power solar charge regulators that track points. As per the company, there’s sufficient power as well as storage to support the yacht’s ability to go continuously throughout the night. The yacht also features a 15-kVA Inverter that is able to power the electrical components of all appliances. It also has a power-driven foreswim platform, as well as an electric windlass that is 1,500 watts.

2. Solar electric cars

The past was when solar electric vehicles were viewed as to be a dream in the automotive industry. Recent advances in technology have created new possibilities for the automotive industry. A number of brands are currently launching cars that use solar power.

Hyundai, for example, recently introduced a new version that is called which is called the Sonata Hybrid solar-powered car for North America. Although it’s not yet available, the model has rooftop solar panels that, Hyundai claims, will increase the car’s fuel efficiency and help to power its electric source. They also reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Although it has been pointed out that the solar roof is not able to increase range by over 2 miles/hour, Hyundai merits credit for taking the first steps towards incorporating solar into mass-produced vehicles.

3. Solar aircraft

The Solar Impulse 2, an aircraft powered entirely from the sun circled the globe in 2016. It did this without fuel.

It is powered by 17,000 solar cells mounted on its wings. The plane is able to cross both Atlantic as well as Pacific oceans without using any fuel. Bertrand Piccard was the sole pilot of the plane. he reached 29,000 feet during daylight. He was able to return to 5,000 feet by the night.

After the great success of Solar Impulse 2, an HAPS (high-altitude pseudo satellite) powered by solar energy the Zephyr S, which was built by Airbus was able to fly for 25 days, 23 hours and 57 mins. The Zephyr-T is a bigger version of this flight is in the process of development.

4. The solar-powered Hyperloop train

2013 was the year that Elon Musk presented the Hyperloop concept, a high-speed, ultra-high-speed transportation system that drastically reduces the time it takes to travel between cities. Hyperloop, he claims will require only 30 minutes to go from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Musk imagined Hyperloop as a fifth method of transportation, after trains, cars and planes. It could transport people or cargo with self-propelled pods. The pods are made of low-pressure vacuum tubes and can be pushed at speeds of over 700 miles per hour. This provides an efficient, comfortable, and fast way to transport people and freight.

MAD Architects, Hyperloop Transportation Technology further refined Musks vision to develop an environmentally sustainable design – the Hyperloop train powered with solar panels and wind turbine forests.

Hyperloop’s vision is inspirational. It provides people with a method of travelling long distances which is quick and safe and is not like flying with planes that are extremely polluting.

In order to generate power for Hyperloop’s interactive info boards as well as Hyperloop tunnels for trains will be equipped with solar panel skin modules. The tunnels will also be equipped with wind turbine forests that are bladeless.

Although the idea will not come to fruition in a decade, companies are already investigating all options.

