LA Solar Group

Why is solar energy the most efficient source of renewable energy?

Why is solar energy the most efficient source of renewable energy?

People frequently ask themselves “Why is solar energy good?” but do not realize the importance that solar technologies offer. Solar power is the hottest current trend in renewable energy. Solar panels were put up on the roofs of US homeowners which allowed them to enjoy all the advantages of solar power.

Apart from the obvious financial benefits There are many other strong reasons to choose solar energy over fossil fuels.

There are many reasons to go solar.

These are the seven most important reasons that you should consider when deciding to go solar.

1. Solar Energy is Beneficial to the Environment

Solar energy is a safe and eco friendly source of energy. It is the most popular observation. Solar energy can help you in reducing your carbon footprint. Solar energy does not pollute the environment. Solar energy does not emit greenhouse gases and needs no additional resources aside from pure water. Hence, it’s safe and environmentally-friendly. However, many people still aren’t convinced about the advantages of solar energy.

Because solar power is energy that is own-sourced, putting up solar panels to your rooftop can be a safe and simple method to ensure a successful development. It’s a fantastic method to show your environmental stewardship by starting with your home.

2. Solar Electricity allows your home to go off-the-grid

The decrease in the cost of solar panels is an excellent example of why solar energy should be expanded. Traditional electricity relies heavily on fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. They’re not just harmful for the environment but also a scarce resource. This creates an unstable market where prices for energy fluctuate all day.

If you invest in the 4kW model, you can boost your electricity independence and protect yourself from unforeseen increases in utility prices. This is the most popular home size. It also provides energy security and cheap electricity.

With solar panels on your rooftop, you will theoretically become energy independent. Storage systems for batteries can also store electricity for rainy days and nights.

3. Solar Power Can Use Underutilized Land

It is possible to wonder the reason solar energy is essential. Due to increased demand for solar energy, it became more affordable. There are vast areas of land all over the world that are far from urban centers or capitals but have no use.

Solar power lets us make good use of our land and create great value. It’s a source of energy that is accessible to everyone. This means we don’t have to pay an enormous amount of money to purchase the land that is more used for other purposes.

Solar farms are large photovoltaic panels that capture solar energy. This is a demonstration of how solar energy can make use of land that is not being utilized. An area of 45 acres in the United States was recently constructed and can supply electricity to more than 2,500 homes.

4. Solar Power Lessens Electricity Loss

To transfer electricity from huge power plants to the end users, a huge network of electricity networks is needed. Power loss can occur during long-distance transmissions. Have you ever thought about the point of solar panels is? You can install them on the roof to harvest solar energy. Due to its limited duration, roof mounted solar power is the ideal way to improve electricity efficiency. It is possible to control your energy use and costs by using it for domestic. Solar power systems are also sturdy, so there are fewer likelihood of interruptions to service.

5. Solar Power Improves Grid Security

If there are a lot of people who are switching towards solar energy, it is less likely that we’ll have blackouts or brownouts. Every US electricity grid is protected, especially for natural or human-caused catastrophes.

You may also be eligible for solar panel grants that will help you export energy to the grid.

6. The solar manufacturing in United States generates jobs and growth.

Solar power could boost the economy of our nation. Businesses will require solar panels more frequently when more people choose solar energy. This will create more jobs for skilled workers and keeps the economy growing.

For example, in 2015, the US was the second-largest solar-related employer, employing 35,000 people and the largest market for solar PV panels.

7. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy.

The sun provides us with the most energy we could ever need and nobody can control it. While your solar power system will start saving money as soon as it’s switched on but the benefits of solar power will become apparent over the longer term. The solar power system you have installed will last longer and you’ll enjoy all the benefits of solar technology.

Solar energy can also be utilized for other purposes that are not related to electricity. While we usually consider solar energy to be energy that is generated by PV panels, it is also possible to utilize the sun’s energy for heating for heating purposes. Solar thermal systems that convert solar energy to heating options, are used to accomplish this.

We can begin to accept solar technology by installing more solar panels.

Solar Energy’s Benefits


The solar energy system has the benefit of being a renewable alternative for fossil-fuels. While fossil fuels might have an expiration date however, the sun is likely to remain around for one billion more years.

Environmental impact is minimal

Solar energy has a significantly lower impact on the environment as compared to fossil fuels. Since it doesn’t require the combustion of fuels the greenhouse gas emissions are minimal. Concentrating solar thermal plant (CSPs) can be inefficient with regards to water usage, based on the technology used. However, the proper technology can dramatically increase the efficiency. Photovoltaic (PV), solar cells do not require water to produce electricity.

Energy Independence

The sun shines throughout the globe, making each country an energy producer. This allows for greater energy independence and security. Solar energy is not only an energy source that provides security and autonomy for the country; it can also be used to supply energy that isn’t dependent on being connected to an electric grid.

Solar Energy’s Advantages and Disadvantages


Solar energy technology has one its greatest flaws. It only generates energy when the sun is shining. The sun only shines in daylight. This interruption would not cause an energy shortage as long as there was an affordable method to conserve energy. In the event of extreme sunshine, it can produce more capacity than is needed. Japan, along with other solar energy leaders technology throughout the world is focusing their efforts on energy storage.

Use of Land

Solar energy can also take up large amounts of land, leading to destruction of habitat or degradation of the land. Solar PV systems can be connected to existing structures. However, larger utility-scale systems that produce solar energy may need to cover 3.5-10 acres. CSP facilities could require anywhere from 4 to 16.5 acres.

Material scarcity

Certain solar technologies require use of rare materials for their manufacture. This is more of a problem for PV technology than it is in CSP. It’s not about a shortage in known reserves however, it is the inability to produce the future demand. A lot of rare materials are products of other mining processes and not the primary focus of mining efforts that are targeted. Both recycling PV material and advances in nanotechnology to improve solar cell efficiency can help to increase supply. But, it’s possible to find substitute materials with greater quantity.

Solar Energy Examples

Rajasthan, India is home to the largest photovoltaic power station in the world. The impressive stats are on display at Bhadla Solar Park. Bhadla Solar Park. The project was completed in April 2020. The plant covers a total area of 10,000 acres and is capable of 2,245 megawatts. The project will require an investment of approximately $1.4 billion.6

Solar Star Park, located near Rosamond, California is the largest US solar park. Solar Star-1 and Solar Star-2 are two separate power stations with respective capacities of 314MW and 265MW. The location, which is similar to the location in the Indian Plant, was selected because of its excellent exposure to sunlight and its low rainfall.

Solar Energy vs. Wind Energy

Two of the fastest growing sources for renewable energy are solar and wind. Both energy sources are able to reduce pollution and provide alternative fuel sources to the fossil ones,, there are some distinct differences.

Wind turbines are much more environmentally sustainable as compared to solar panels. They produce more energy than solar panels and can be installed off-shore. Like solar panels, wind energy can be extracted any point of the day or night. It is not predictable, however. Turbines can also be quite loud and require large quantities of land. They’re therefore not suitable for areas that are densely populated.

Solar panels are one of the best and powerful source of energy. Solar panels require less space and are less noisy and therefore can be put on rooftops. They are often utilized in densely populated areas.

Solar Energy Company

We’re here to assist you and help you find the ideal solution to meet your requirements. You may consider solar thermal power or solar power, or you may not know what option is the best one for you. Complete the contact form located at the beginning of this webpage to let us know about your needs and preferences. We will then contact you to answer any questions you may have or help you connect to professional suppliers. Get up to four no-obligation quotes!

