How Solar Energy generates Electricity
How Solar Energy generates Electricity
Learn more about how the sun’s energy can be used for electricity generation.
We utilize the Sun to produce electricity. Solar power is the source of this. LA Solar Group was able to produce 2821 megawatts of electricity in the year 2019. The amount is more than 16 times what what we were able to produce 10 years ago. It is enough electricity to power 260,440 homes in one year. While solar power accounts for only 0.5% of total electricity generation but it is growing.
Solar Power for Electricity
The solar power process is the conversion of solar energy into electricity. Photovoltaic material is one method to achieve this. When they are exposed sunlight, they will produce the electric charge. This is also known as the photovoltaic phenomena. This is made possible by photovoltaic or solar cells. Solar panels are typically made by combining many solar cells.
A solar panel is composed of solar cells sandwiched in two layers of transparent adhesive film. A frame holds a glass layer in its place. Its back layer, a layer made of aluminum , that is able to conduct electricity, is located behind the frame. The junction box is the place where the electricity from the solar cells leave the panel.
What is the basic principle of solar cells?
Silicon is a popular material used for solar cell production. Silicon is an elemental chemical compound that occurs naturally. It is also a semiconductor. Semiconductors can serve as an insulator and conductor.
- Two layers of silicon form the solar radiation. It is P-Type that is utilized, while the N-Type is the second.
- The N-Type semiconductor is capable of giving away electrons quickly. The semiconductor is oriented towards light.
- The P-Type semiconductor can receive extra electrons. Extra electrons referred to as “holes” within the English language. The semiconductor is situated just below the N-Type semiconductor.
Photons are tiny packets of energy which originate from the Sun and travel to Earth. Photons are responsible for knocking out silicon atoms. This leads to the formation of electrons loose on both of the P and N sides. The aluminum layer absorbs the electrons. The electrons then start to flow. This causes an electric current.
What kind of power can a panel of solar panels generate?
A standard solar cell measures 15.6 cm in size and 155.6 millimeter square. It can produce around half a volt of electricity. This is roughly one-third the voltage that a fresh alkaline battery of AA produces. This isn’t a lot.
You can connect solar cells to each other, using the internet. A mobile phone can be charged by twelve solar cells with photovoltaic technology. To power a house you’ll need a lot of solar panels.

Solar Energy's Advantages
1. Find out how you can benefit from solar energy
Solar panels provide many benefits However, the most appealing thing about solar panels is the fact that it is truly renewable energy. It is readily accessible and accessible in all parts of the world. Renewable radiation is not like other forms of energy.
Renewable radiation will be available for as long as there’s sunlight. This means that the sun will shine the illumination for at most 5 billion years.
2. Electricity bills have been reduced.
Your electric bills will be reduced because you’ll be capable of meeting a significant portion of your energy needs with the power generated from your solar panel. The amount you’ll save on your monthly bill will depend on the size of your solar system aswell as your heat and electricity consumption.
This transfer can be extremely advantageous if your business uses advertisements solar panels as it could cover a significant part of your energy expenses.
You’ll also be able to cut down on your electric bill and get payments from Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) in the event of excess energy you transfer to the grid. You are able to generate more power than what you use with your solar panel, provided that the system has an electrical connection with the grid.
3. Many different applications
There are many uses of solar energy. Photovoltaics and solar thermal could be utilized to generate energy or heat. Solar panels produce electricity in locations that are not connected to an electric grid, to distill water in areas that have limited water supply, and to power satellites from space.
You can integrate solar energy to build materials. Sharp has released translucent solar windows too long ago.
4. Low operating costs
Solar energy systems need very minimal maintenance. They require minimal maintenance. They can be cleaned just once every year. It is always possible to count on specialized cleaning services, which range between PS25 and PS35.
There isn’t much tear and wear since there are no mechanical devices. The inverter converts the energy of the sun into electricity and heat continually. This is typically the only element that must be changed each 5-10 years (solar thermal as opposed to. PV). To maximize efficiency your solar power system might require regular maintenance.
There is very little maintenance or repair costs after you’ve paid the initial cost of your solar panel.
5. Technology Development
The technology of the solar power sector is continually improving and is expected to continue to advance. Quantum physics and nanotechnology are among the most promising developments in the solar power sector. They can boost the efficiency of solar panels and can even double or triple the electrical power input to the system.
Solar Energy's Disadvantages
When the Sun shines, solar panels produce the most electricity. They won’t work as well when it is cloudy. Because the sun shines directly on the panels, solar panels work best when they are close to the Equator. It requires a large amount of land to construct solar farms. The land can be used to build farmland or wildlife habitats.
Solar panels aren’t able to convert sunlight into electricity efficiently. Solar panels are just 20% efficient. It means just 20 percent of the energy collected is converted to electrical energy.
While this is an improvement over the results of ten prior years, there are many positive developments to come in the future. The lab has reached 47 percent efficiency and the field is now at 40 percent. This is a positive indication of the future of solar power generation electricity.
1. Cost
A solar system can be costly to purchase initially. The cost of the initial solar system will include an inverter, batteries , and wiring. But, the prices for solar technology change constantly, so it is safe that they will decrease in the near future.
2. Weather-Dependent
While solar energy may be collected during rainy or cloudy days, the efficiency of solar panels decreases. To effectively capture solar energy solar panels require sunlight. A few cloudy or rainy days can have an effect on the energy system. Solar energy can only be tapped at night.
Thermodynamic panels can be an option when the water heater requires to run at night , or during winter.
3. The Cost of Solar Energy Storage is Expensive
You can either use the solar energy right away or store it in large batteries. They can be used in off-the grid solar systems and are able to be charged throughout the day to make the energy available at night. While this is a fantastic way to use solar energy during in the daylight, it can also cost quite a bit.
It is usually more efficient to make use of solar energy during the daytime and draw electricity from the grid at evening. However, this is only possible when your system is linked to the grid. Solar energy can be used to supply your energy needs This is the reason you’ll find that demand for energy is greater during the daytime.
4. It takes up a lot of space
There will be additional panels to generate more DC electricity. This is because you want to get as much sun as possible. Solar PV panels take up a lot of space, and not every roof can be able to accommodate the number of panels you want.
You could also put the panels in your backyard, but they should be exposed to sun. You may decide to put in smaller panels if you do not have enough space.
5. Pollution is often associated with it
While solar energy isn’t as pollution-prone than other sources of energy, it is still a source of pollution. The emission of greenhouse gasses is linked to the transport and installation of solar panels.
Certain toxic and hazardous substances are used in the production of solar photovoltaic devices. These products can also affect the environment indirectly.
The Basic Solar Components
Understanding the process of making solar panels is essential to understanding how solar power works. Solar panels are created of silicon, which is one of the most commonly used elements on the planet. It is however expensive and hard to produce silicon crystals of a suitable quality. The solar panels that are used in homes are usually comprised of the same however, less efficient, components such as copper, indium and gallium (CIGS). They offer enough power at a an affordable cost.
A small amount of other elements may be introduced into silicon atoms in the process of manufacturing to modify the electrical characteristics. In between are strips of positive (n) type silicon, which includes an additional electron as well as a section of positive (p-type)silicon that is deficient of one electron. The combination results in photovoltaic cells. When multiple photovoltaic cells are put together under glass, they create ordinary solar panels.
Each solar panel contains the conductive plates made of steel and connected with wires that are connected to a fused combination unit. The energy generated by the array is transformed to alternating electricity using an inverter. This converts the direct electric current to the needed power to power human-made structures.
Turning Solar Power Into Electricity
The photons, which are invisibly formed particles that make visible sunlight. These particles have energy but no rest mass. Photons interact with other particles and their energy converts to different forms depending on which atoms they come into contact with. Most collisions produce heat.
But, electricity can be created when photons cause electrons in atoms become so excited that they release them to allow them to move freely.
There is a way to sustain electrical imbalances because of the remarkable properties of semiconductors such as silicon. As long as the photons strike the solar panels, there will be an uninterrupted supply of electric current. The current is carried around through wires that collect it.
Four Factors that Impact Solar Electricity Production
When and after the installation of residential solar systems homeowners must know these 4 essential elements.
- Shade. Shaded solar panels will not generate as much power as solar panels that operate in direct sunlight. When your roofing is shaded un-trimmable trees or an existing structure solar system is not the best option.
- Seasonality. Solar energy production is seasonal. A sunny day in the summer will produce greater energy levels than cloudy winter day. It’s crucial to think about the whole year. The snow can reflect light and increase the efficiency of PV. In actuality it is possible for a cold month to only be a solar antagonist when it covers the panels with snow.
- Tilt. Solar panels aren’t like pinball machines. They can be tilted. The efficiency of a residential solar system performs will depend on the direction of your house, the location and even the pitch that your roofing. Solar panels should be installed at the same angle with respect to latitude. Most cases work best with pitches between 30 and 45 degrees.
- Azimuth. The angle of the solar azimuth indicates that the direction the sun’s orbit is taking. The sun’s beam at noon originates out of the north hemisphere as well as the southern hemisphere. A solar panel’s output can be decreased by as much as 35% if not set correctly. Zero azimuth (facing towards the Equator), is the best alternative.