Wonder if your utility bill is accurate and fair?
Want a FREE and easy way to find out?
Homeowners invited to sign up to have meters installed to verify accuracy of their utility bills and to learn options to save money
June 10, 2020
Free Electricity Consumption Monitoring Service
Offered to LADWP Customers
Homeowners invited to sign up to have meters installed to verify accuracy of charges shown on their utility bills — and to learn options to save money
When you look at your monthly utility bill, do you sometimes wonder whether the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is accurately and fairly charging you for your electricity use? If there was a free and easy way to find out, would you be interested? If you answered yes twice, we have an offer for you.
LA Solar Group (LASG), a leading solar energy company based in Los Angeles, is offering a free electricity consumption monitoring service to LADWP customers living in single-family residences without a solar system. LASG is offering to install consumption meters at the homes of the first 300 LADWP customers who sign up, and then monitor each homeowner’s electricity use for two months. The program is only open to individuals living in single-family residences. Customers living in condos or apartments are not eligible.
LASG will share the monitoring data with each customer, so they can compare the project data with the usage data on their LADWP bill for the same time periods. After the two month project period, the meters — which normally cost $750 each – will be removed at no cost.

Given the COVID-19 environment, it is important to say that social distancing will be maintained throughout the project. All communication between LASG staff and homeowners will be done via phone or videoconference, and the installers will work outside and never enter people’s homes.
The meters will be installed at each single-family residence’s outside electrical panel. The meters would measure the home’s total electrical use and also provide a breakdown of energy use by the various sources (i.e., appliances) within the home. The data will show the accuracy or inaccuracy of their LADWP bills, and also show what is driving the cost of their electricity bill.

Homeowners can then ponder their options for reducing their utility energy use and saving money. The options can include altering their daily consumption patterns, changing the mix and type of their consumption devices, and installing a solar and battery storage system.
So, if you are a LADWP customer in a single-family residence without a solar system, sign up to participate in this free electricity consumption monitoring service. Be one of the first 300 customers to join the two month project. What do you have to lose?