LA Solar Group


Hotels Level Up: The Sun Adds A Little Bit Of Spice To Luxury Travel


Maldives – a heavenly location makes sustainability a style for luxury travel. Other destinations follow along. Substantial changes in the travel industry regarding eco-friendliness get noticeable step by step. But, which sector of luxury travel does get modified towards sustainability? Well, taking into account that today the world strives towards a clean and green environment, people value the environmentally friendly stay the most. Plus, energy consumption along with constant access to electricity is the sector that luxurious places for a stay like five-star hotels and resorts considerably struggle with. So, such sites have already chosen their alternative to fossil fuels – solar energy.

Why The Energy Of The Sun?

It is an inexhaustible, cost-efficient, and eco-friendly resource. Besides, a solar panel system, the equipment that supplies the energy of the sun, adds a modern, stylish vibe to these buildings. The shine, sophistication, and elegance that solar panels provide are irreplaceable. Okay, okay, we have style, cost-efficiency, environmental friendliness, and limitless accessibility. But, how do these qualities satisfy customer’s needs as luxurious travelers? Let’s proceed with the article to find out.

Luxury Travel Requires Uninterrupted Internet

Lush comes when comfort is around. What is the primary aspect of luxury travel that creates comfort? The Internet! People who want elite travel experience take into consideration their social media presence during that period. It is important for them because they mainly want to share pictures, keep in touch with friends and family, be on track with the news and trends. Without constant Internet connectivity, all the mentioned things become unapproachable. Thus, the travel becomes less appealing – a disadvantage for the hotel or resort. Here comes the benefit of solar energy as an endless source of energy. Because it never stops getting supplied, the Internet connection never gets interrupted.


At this point, you may ask, “Then, how do hotels make sure that their sun’s energy won’t deplete?” The answer is that there are many ways of going solar that companies of the industry provide. One of the affordable and versatile ways to do that is by purchasing a solar panel kit. Thanks to this bundle of solar equipment, five-star hotels and resorts get the opportunity to hit several goals with one shot. How? Solar panel kits give them the opportunity to gather together the essential parts of a photovoltaic (PV) panel system. That allows utilizing the solar equipment to its full potential at a lower cost than usual. One of the pieces of equipment in a bundle, a solar panel battery, is the main contributor to the limitless supply of power. As storage equipment, the battery conserves excess energy generated by a PV panel. The stored energy later gets supplied upon demand. Above all, the power that gets conserved is the main aspect sustaining Internet connectivity without connection issues. This is how luxury encompasses comfort for travelers looking for an exclusive travel experience.

Beautiful Memories Make Customers Happy

Do you know why hotels don’t hesitate and go solar? Let me tell you the secret. They know that by going solar, they gain multiple advantages that are beyond the internal ones. As mentioned above, solar panels add a modern, stylish vibe to luxurious accommodations. That vibe amplifies the design of the five-star hotel and resort. In its turn, the amplification of the design attracts customers for photoshoots. Imagine traveling to the destination of your dream and getting a bonus of a stunning and luxurious building with a shiny and refined rooftop. Won’t you become obsessed with making memories in the form of pictures? I am sure you will! Having the opportunity to enjoy nature and the sun is amazing. But, getting the chance to enjoy a background with a unique design that seems like an alternative background for photoshoots is wonderful! That means that you enjoy your lush travel and get mesmerizing pictures to remember the experience constantly. I’d dream about such a journey.


Opulence Should Be Carefree

Why do you travel if the experience isn’t carefree? Worries can come with electricity outages or blackouts in the area. Such issues may delay you from an already planned, exciting day. How is that possible? Suppose you want to travel the island and get overwhelmingly beautiful pictures at every corner of it. Still, the hairdryer doesn’t work because of a lack of electricity. In that case, not only your plans get delayed but also your mood changes. If before you were excited for the day, from that point on, you become disappointed and pessimistic for the rest of the day. I can suggest another scenario. Suppose you need to charge your phone as soon as possible to get out of the hotel and enjoy the sun, the ocean, and nature. At that moment, an electricity outage happens, and you don’t get the chance to charge your phone, and it goes off. In that case, you get upset as your expectations of the day get ruined, and you have no idea how the plan of the day can be restructured not to lose its initial vibe. See how many issues may arise during the vacation because of energy problems. To avoid such issues from happening, solar panel installation and wise usage of solar power are mandatory procedures to conduct in 2021. Why specifically in 2021? Did I forget to tell you? Good news – the solar industry maintains the 26 percent solar panel tax credit for one more year. So, this year going solar is more than feasible.

What Additional Benefits Can Hotels Have?

By the way, if we deviate from how customers benefit from PVpanels, we can see that the installation of panels is a great marketing strategy for luxurious habitats. What do you think, can we call PV panels a luxury property? Sure, I agree with you! Considering the solar equipment’s initial purchasing price, a plethora of benefits, and exclusive design, they are a luxury property. Suppose you are the owner of a five-star hotel. Won’t you do everything to promote it as frequently and lushly as possible? Exactly. Installing a PV panel system that brings luxurious design, as well as environmental and financial benefits, is a real promotion technique.


What’s interesting, that technique can be utilized without comprehending the situation. Let me explain. When a five-star hotel or resort installs a solar panel system solely for its benefits and design without considering how it may affect the consumers, that place gets promoted unconsciously. The thing is that after going solar, the luxurious hotel or resort will get featured in several blog posts, articles, websites, social media platforms as a corporation striving towards environmental sustainability. The feature in any of the listed ways is a massive shoutout for that particular company. Why? Because today the world seeks environmental sustainability and each step towards it is a valuable bonus to the executor. If we dig even deeper, bloggers are the frequent consumers of luxury travel. Imagine the popularity your hotel may get if a blogger features his or her picture in front of your beautifully designed and sustainable building. I mean, that is an immeasurable success.

Need a new business partner? Choose the sun!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

