LA Solar Group


Facts About Solar Energy and The Advantages Of Solar Systems


We are sure you have heard about the rising popularity of solar energy for so many times. Moreover, the mission of solar energy in saving the planet from pollution and harmful emissions is becoming more essential. 

But what is solar energy and how does it work?

As you can guess from the name, solar power is the energy generated from the sun. The history of solar energy usage goes back to ancient times when people built their homes toward the sun to keep them warm.

Today, solar energy is the everlasting and the most reliable energy source. The main advantage of solar power is that it is almost inexhaustible and has little environmental impact. During the solar energy conversion no greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere.

Let’s learn more about how solar energy works.

The energy produced by the sun in an hour is more than the energy we need for a whole year to power everything on earth. There are two ways of solar energy conversion: thermal energy and electrical energy. The thermal solar energy is generated with collectors, used in water heating systems. It can either heat the water or be used in homes heating systems with the tubes in the floors and ceiling.

The conversion of the sun power into electrical energy is more popular and spread. With solar panels installed outdoors on the ground, or on the roof, the sunlight transforms into electricity. In this photovoltaic process no fossil fuels, like oil, gas and coal, are burnt.

The solar energy system usually consists of solar panels, solar inverters, solar batteries, the electricity grids, solar panel components and other pieces of solar equipment. When installing a solar panel system, the first step is to determine what size the solar system needs to be in order to meet your energy requirements. With a solar energy calculator, you can estimate the solar potential of your home and possible savings.

The estimations are based on the information provided: your electricity bills, your area and the roof type. The average number of solar panels needed to completely support the home ranges from 28 to 34. Yet, in case of increased energy needs, it is always possible to add more panels to the solar panel system.

Installing a solar panel system at home is important, as you will cut your electricity bills and reduce energy dependence on the utility company. Moreover, installing a solar panel battery system, you can always sell the excess electricity back to the grid and earn from net metering.  

Solar energy is a renewable energy source which makes it efficient and cost-effective. Yet wind power is considered to be the least harmful source of energy, it is not as reliable and efficient as solar energy. 

Although solar power is free, solar energy is still the most expensive source of renewable energy. And it needs investments. The cost of solar energy per watt ranges from $2.50 to $3.50. But the truth is, with modern technologies, the cost of the solar energy system is decreasing every year. In consequence, with solar power system technologies improving, going solar is becoming more efficient and worthy.

How much energy does a solar panel produce?

The solar panels produce from 400 to 600 kilowatt-hours energy per year. The gap between depends on the panels’ type and quality, and on the amount of sun at the location.

The major disadvantage of solar energy and solar panels usage are the materials required to produce the panels, and the water wasted when cleaning the panels. However, with solar energy technology abruptly developing, these problems will be solved in the near future.

To receive good maintenance and high-level service, it is more secure to trust the solar system installation process to a professional and smart solar energy company. LA Solar Group specialists will help you to find the best option for your needs.


Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan

