LA Solar Group


Why You Should Go Solar During Thanksgiving


Every year there are more and more benefits of going solar, both financially and environmentally. A lot of people think autumn and winter is not the right time to switch to solar panel energy and install a solar panel system. But there are a lot of benefits to going solar during this period. Making a solar investment early will help you complete the design and installation in time.

Thanksgiving can become the best time for you to start your solar panel installation path. During the holidays you can receive promotions to go solar. There are many available deals from different solar panel companies in California for their customers.  

Moreover, you are going to have more time to make the right decision. Do not rush in researching the market and looking into all the available options. Analyze a few solar installation companies and their proposals to make the best choice to achieve your energy goal.

We will introduce you to the rewards you will receive going solar during Thanksgiving.

Maximize Your Return On Investment

Going solar in this period will ensure you return your investment faster. In the winter months, you usually produce more energy than you use. When your AC system is off, you will have more excess energy to send back into the utility grid.


Besides, many states are reducing their solar incentives. So, the sooner you start using your solar panel system, the more benefits you are going to earn.  

Saving Time Is Also A Valuable Asset

Going solar takes time. Designing and installing the most optimal solar energy system can last a few weeks. Thus, low seasonal demand will help you save time. You will not have to wait in a long line to have solar installer company specialists visiting you and getting things done. 

The bureaucracy is another headache when going solar. You need special permission and activation from your local utility company. 

Yet another important factor when switching to solar is the roof condition. The roof should meet the right requirements to start the solar installation process. The earlier you start, the sooner you will finish your installation before warmer days and higher rates arrive. 

Go Solar, And Forget About High Bills On Christmas Lights

Going solar before the Christmas holidays is always a good idea. A solar power system is the best way to reduce your electricity bills. Thanksgiving means that Christmas is near, and the beautiful Christmas tree and decorations with all the shining lights will soon cost you a lot. Installing a solar panel system will help you forget about your high bills and enjoy your holidays instead. The advantages of solar energy on Christmas are the guarantee to that. 


There Is No Time Better Going Solar Than Now

Nowadays, solar power systems have become more efficient and cost-effective. The prices for solar panels and other solar equipment have significantly dropped. Besides, low seasonal demand will save you money on solar panel installation cost.  

Moreover, winter is the most optimal time for solar. You may have even heard that solar panels system is less effective in winter months, but that is not true. Even with heavy clouds is possible to generate electricity. Consider also the fact that solar panel systems work more efficiently in cooler temperatures. Sun hours are more than enough to provide you with the required energy. So, you will never regret installing a solar power system during winter. 


It is always the right time to install a solar panel system. But there is no better time than now to start saving money on your utility bills. If you have more questions, our specialists are ready to help you with all the needed information concerning solar energy. Feel free to contact us anytime.

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan

