LA Solar Group

Rolling Blackouts

Get Independent From Rolling Blackouts On Your Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is one of the best opportunities to make your loved ones feel cared for and appreciated. It’s vital to figure out trendy ways to wow them every year. This year we are ready to help you to stand out with your choice.

One of the most trending news was California Rolling Blackouts in August and a chain of other blackouts later. In particular, everything blew up when five days prior to Christmas, thousands of consumers were alarmed about potential Rolling Blackouts. In 2020 millions of consumers went dark for 1 hour on average. California is pretty much concerned about these potential outages starting to plan for this year carefully. After all, the analysis indicated that California Rolling Blackouts resulted from extreme heat occurring due to climate change. And as long as climate change is not sufficiently dealt with, the possibility that this year summer will be likewise extreme is high.


You may wonder why we are telling all of this to you and what it has to do with Valentine’s Day. But what can be a better representation of your love than security and independence? Yes, thanks to Solar Panel System and Tesla Powerwall, you can generate your own electricity and rely on it even in the darkest times. In other words, the Solar Panel System together with the Tesla Powerwall can be the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. Even if the grid fails to supply you with power, you’ll still be able to both generate and store energy for later use, avoiding Rolling Blackouts that may occur. Moreover, if we look from the trend perspective, going solar has become a very popular social trend, and if you don’t join now, you will be required to do so in the nearest future.

For Your Information, the US aims to fight back Rolling Blackouts and Climate Change with the help of renewable energy. Nationwide there is more than 89 Gigawatts solar energy capacity installed, which can power 16 million homes. California as a state can get 90% of demanded energy from environmental-friendly resources, including solar energy. Currently, it built the solar capacity to supply 20% of the electricity. What this means is that the state can invest its resources in clean energy and both avoid excessive heat surprises while getting secured from any kind of Rolling Blackouts. By 2045 California aims to reach a 100% clean energy transition goal and make sure that you contribute to the greater good together with your loved ones.


Rolling Blackouts will not be any problem after this delightful Valentine’s Day if you go solar From February 1 to 15 and surprise your love. Plus, we prepared another gift for you, and you’ll get a Free Smart Monitoring System to be able to monitor your energy consumption. This will also help you to save even more money and spend the savings on people you love.

The author of a publication: Elen Gevorgyan


