LA Solar Group


Why Is 2020 The Best Time To Go Solar?


We are about to turn the last page of the year 2020. No doubt this year was full of challenges. It was also a year of economic hardships due to the pandemic and several lockdowns registered periodically worldwide. Nevertheless, we have done our best to make it through. As the last month is passing by, we still have some time left to make smart investments with the benefit of our budget. Start the new year with positive changes in your everyday life by going solar now! If you don’t know about solar panel advantages, this article will clarify it all for you. 

ITC Solar Tax Credit

One of the well-known solar panel benefits is the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), or in other words, solar tax credit. With this credit, you deduct 26 percent of your home solar panel installation cost from federal taxes. The ITC is applicable for residential and commercial solar panel installation with no difference in the cost you pay. This fact serves as an additional encouragement for switching to solar panel system maintenance. 


As one of the US states encouraging solar panel tax credit California is considered the bestseller of solar panel kits for home and business areas. This encouragement results in the permanent growth of solar system consumers’ number.

You may ask how it works: simple. Based on the amount of investment in the solar property, the ITC reduces each dollar of the federal government’s income tax. Coming to the year 2020, if you plan to switch to solar system maintenance and install a solar panel kit, 2020 is the best time for it. The explanation for it is that 2020 is the last year you can claim the full 26 percent cost reduction. The amount of credit is planned to lower ahead of the coming years until it disappears completely. By 2022 the ITC will reduce to zero for residential customers leaving only 10 percent credit to commercial customers. So, if you have been planning to go solar but each time postponing that investment for some reason, this is your last chance to gain the full benefit out of it, hurry up! Grab the advantages you have, so that you do not miss them!

Utility Bills

First, what is a utility bill saving? That’s the amount of money that consumers are supposed to pay, but they practically avoid paying with solar panel kits used as a leading source for house electricity generation. One of the primary resources of this saving is the solar panel battery. All solar panel companies will suggest you this device when making a solar system purchase. A solar panel battery is extra energy storage that can serve you a good deal in the future. With this device, you can be 100 percent sure that no outage will cause you any inconvenience. Being designed to serve as your energy supplier whenever you need it, it is suitable for house loads and EV charging. It can also be used as utility bill saving equipment, mainly when the solar PV system produces more energy than your daily consumption requires. You can transfer this extra energy to your local power grid and get compensation for it in such cases. One of this storage device’s bestseller models is the well-known Tesla Powerwall, which comes with several flexible and modernized features to comply with your everyday needs. 


To better imagine what privileges are exactly meant in this context, let’s consider a statistic based on the average savings of a typical size house with a 6kW solar power system in several US cities. These are the cities that are very suitable for solar system maintenance from a geographical and climatic perspective.  


Home Value

For several reasons, a house with a solar panel system is more valuable than an ordinary residence. The solar system automatically increases this value by about 4.1 percent compared to buildings without a PV system. It is an advantage since this sort of house assumes low power maintenance bills and strong roofing. The low bills come from home-generated electric power with all its benefits. Strong roofing is one of the first criteria necessary for solar panel system installation. If the roof is not good enough, it logically will not resist even the best solar panel system in the world. Even if you plan to sell your house in the future, it is not a reason to stand back from installing a PV system. 


Complete Confidence Warranty

One of the best solar panel manufacturing brands in the modern market is SunPower, which produces solar panels and other solar system devices. It proposes a unique Complete Confidence Warranty that stands behind the entire solar system, not only panels. This 25-year warranty includes repair and replacement with no additional payment, shipping and service. This brand is widely spread in California solar panel markets, and not only. Due to its high quality and suitable price SunPower has become one of the most favorite solar system manufacturing companies. 

Reduce Carbon Dioxide 

The year 2020 made us reconsider our daily actions and lifestyle. A question arises: what planet are we leaving for our children? It is time to think about the environment! 

Switching to solar system maintenance can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, thus greatly contributing to the global project of nature’s rehabilitation. To reduce climate change and temperature oscillation, and greenhouse gas emissions today, more and more people install solar power systems and raise awareness for others. 

Author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan 

