LA Solar Group

Off-Grid Solar System

Off-grid solar can be a method to draw all of your energy from the sun, without the need for electricity. This is possible by installing a solar energy system, which is paired with an energy storage system such as a solar battery at the point of consumption (your home).

Due to its large costs and space requirements, installing an off-grid system was previously thought to be an unpopular idea. LA Solar Group has made it easier and more affordable to install solar systems. It’s now commonplace to see rustic cabins and RVs that are entirely powered by off grid solar energy.

This is the place to go If you’re thinking of buying an off grid system. This blog will tell you all you should know about the off-grid system before you buy one. We’ll help you decide the Off Grid solar panel is right for you, and also how to choose the best one to suit your needs.

What is an Off-Grid Solar Panel System?

Many people associate solar panels with off-grid solar, but the reality is that there are multiple components needed to make an off-grid solar system.

An off-grid system comes with the necessary equipment to store, produce and distribute solar energy on site. The off grid solar system is referred to as “standalone energy systems” because they operate without any external power source.

Off-grid solar systems differ from other kinds of solar arrays like grid-tied systems. They are powered by batteries to allow energy to be produced in the event that the sun doesn’t shine.

However, batteries are more expensive than the solar panels which they’re paired. They cost more than grid-tied systems since they require huge quantities in battery capacity.

How does an off-grid solar energy system perform?

The off grid solar PV system operate using the photovoltaic principle. If sunlight strikes a solar panel, it produces the direct current (DC).

The DC energy generated is fed to the controller of the charger which regulates the charging process and also supplies the required power to the battery. Batteries play a crucial role in providing power for night and non-sunny days..

When the sun shines the solar panel generates enough energy to provide power to the load and recharge the battery. The excess power stored within the battery may be retrieved later if required.

The DC energy from a solar panel or battery is converted into alternating current(AC) energy (as most of the appliances at residential/commercial buildings run on AC supply) with the help of an inverter. The AC energy converted is fed to the loads via wire connections.

What are the various uses of off-grid sun power?

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy with many advantages. One of these is modularity and the ability to scale. This is how components can be changed and combined for greater flexibility and use.

It can be used for small devices, like solar phone chargers, or for a system that can run an entire factory.

These are the most well-known ways to make use of off-grid sun:

  • Charge your tablet or phone via USB
  • The appliances are powered by an electrical supply
  • Small cabins can be powered with electricity
  • Small, energy-efficient homes that can be powered

It is crucial to remember that off-grid solar systems are not practical in areas where power is available. This applies to situations where one needs to power a home in a suburb, city or town.

You can save more by choosing a grid-tied, hybrid or grid-powered solar panel. In the case of your local economics and your local economy, you might be able to stick with grid power.

What equipment is required for an Off-Grid Solar Panel System?

Here is a list of the necessary equipment to run an off-grid solar panel.

How to size an Off-Grid Solar System

When you’re considering the installation of an off grid solar system it is essential to determine the type of system you’ll need.

This will impact the type of equipment you will require, the amount of work needed to set it up, and ultimately, the cost of the whole project. Size of solar system is determined by the amount of energy it will generate.

There are two ways to determine the number of people you require. These are determined by:

  • Your current usage
  • Load assessment

Solar setup size is determined by the amount of usage

It is an option if you would like to continue with your current lifestyle, but move from grid-tied solar to off grid. You can utilize your monthly power bill to determine your consumption of electricity in kilowatt hours.

You can then size an off-grid solar system to be the same size. However, to maximize the efficiency of solar energy, you may need to consider going bigger.

Solar setup size is determined by load evaluation

A load assessment is a second option to determine how much power your system will require.

  1. Calculate your total electricity consumption

Begin by listing the appliances you plan to use, along with the times they will be used. This will allow you to determine the power consumption of each appliance as well as your total power consumption over the course of the day.

You can estimate the size of the solar panel by determining the amount of kWh you consume per day.

  1. Calculate the instantaneous load requirement

It is also important to determine the number of appliances that can running at the same time. This allows you to determine the instantaneous energy demands.

  1. Find out the capacity of the battery.

Then, determine how much energy storage capacity you require. Do you want to create an energy backup to cover your usage for the day or just for a day’s worth?

The term “solar battery backup” generally implies that you require enough storage to last at most 2-3 days during peak usage periods.

  1. From Steps 1 to 3, create a plan around your personal number

The size of the three essential components, the inverter and the solar panels, is often enough information for solar equipment vendors to create an off-grid option for you.

What is the cost of an Off-Grid Solar Panel System?

Prices for off-grid solar systems range from $50 for an iPhone charger or tablet up to thousands. Off-grid solar has a myriad of possibilities.

Prices for off-grid solar systems that provide power to entire homes vary between $12,000 and $50,000.

Cost-effectiveness of the battery type

The price you pay for your off grid solar system can be affected depending on your selection of the battery technology you choose.

The latest lithium battery technology is more efficient and have a smaller, sleep-friendly form factor. However, they are very expensive and will make up the largest portion of the overall cost if utilized.

AGM (Absorbent gas Mat) acid lead batteries are bulkier and last for a shorter time and are also less expensive. They are a choice for off grid systems popularly because of their cost.

Off-grid Solar: The benefits

More than 300,000 households use off-grid sources of energy to meet their energy requirements. Here are a few of the reasons Americans prefer to live off grid:

1. The freedom from the Grid

In areas where blackouts are common, people are drawn to off-grid solar due to this. You depend on the utility company for your power when you are linked to grid.

The power supply of your home is affected if your grid goes out of service. It’s not apparent that this is an issue until you encounter power outages or blackouts like the California blackouts in 2019 can attest.

2. It’s good for our environment

Carbon emissions can be reduced when you go off grid. Because the majority of electricity is produced from fossil fuels, it’s important to generate your own electricity using renewable resources like solar, wind and hydro. This will drastically reduce your carbon footprint.

3. Encourages a more energetic life style

It’s easy for you to forget about the consumption of power when you’re connected to a grid. You consume electricity, pay the bills and that’s all there is to it. You are cut off from the origin and destination of electricity.

If you’re off grid the way you view power will change completely. You’ll have to watch the power you generate and evaluate your energy usage.

4. Sometimes, the only option is to take the initiative.

If you’re trying to power a structure out of reach, such as an hunting lodge or a cabin in woods there’s an excellent chance that there is no grid in place.

The utility may inform you that your region isn’t covered when you try to connect. They might offer to lay the wire, but for a price.

That means you’ll need to source your own electricity. Even though you could utilize an alternative generator to supply power, it’s expensive and unpractical in most places. Solar power is the only viable option for off-grid power.

Off-grid solar: The downsides

There are many valid reasons why the majority of US households prefer to stay connected to the grid, even though solar panels offer great advantages.

There are several important aspects to consider when you go off the grid.

1. Off-grid living isn’t always legal depending on where you live.

While solar panels and the capability to create your own electricity are growing in popularity in the US, it is illegal for certain counties to disconnect completely from the grid. The legal requirements for disconnecting from the grid tend to be more prevalent in urban areas , compared to rural areas.

2. Solar systems that are off-grid can be extremely expensive.

It is not common for a solar panel system to provide all of the energy required by a home . It is very expensive.

An off-grid system is more expensive than a grid-connected one. This requires more panel as well as an inverter that has a greater voltage capability.

It is necessary to have an additional generator either gas- or diesel-powered because there isn’t a grid. They are also expensive to operate. Because generators cannot be reliable for long, this makes it more urgent to repair faults in an off grid power system.

3. It takes time to get off the grid.

It’s not simple to make the commitment to generate enough power to supply all the needs of your family.

It is important to have a good understanding of how electricity works. It is essential to spend some time determining how much power you need in relation to your energy consumption patterns.

You’ll need to invest time ensuring that you keep the power consumption to the minimal. You will need to monitor your power supply because the generation of power can be erratic.

You must also be familiar with the equipment that produces power.

4. California off-grid solar isn’t eligible for a SGIP rebate

The California’s Self Generation Incentive Program is the largest battery storage incentive in the country. Eighty percent is allotted to battery storage in the budget for incentives.

The SGIP rebate can help people save thousands of dollars on batteries, especially those located in areas of fire risk. The catch is that SGIP only applies to grid-connected solar systems with battery backup, not to systems that are completely off grid.

5. You have other options to backup power

It is possible that you do not decide to go off grid because there’s an alternative.

Installing a grid-connected solar system with a backup battery is the most effective and simple way to prevent blackouts. Hybrid solar systems are another term used to describe this type of.

These hybrid systems that use battery solutions such as those of the Tesla Powerwall are more affordable than traditional off-grid solutions. They also qualify for incentives such as the SGIP rebate.

6. Off-grid solar entails major lifestyle sacrifices

Ask anyone who has an off-grid solar system and they will all have the exact fact: relying on off grid power requires you to rethink everything regarding energy.

Off-grid solar is costly, so homeowners have to invest in small systems. Weather conditions can affect the amount of power available. A cloudy day could cause the reduction of 50% in the power output.

You will be in trouble if you run out of energy. Or, you can wait for the sun’s return or utilize a backup diesel generator to provide power (if you own one). While the first option is the most convenient however, the alternative could be costly.

These restrictions can have a negative impact on the entirety of your life. For example, many off-grid people say that they must conserve water because water pumps consume a lot of energy. This means less flushing, or showers that are shorter. Air conditioning is a greater power guzzler and can just be utilized for short intervals of time, if it is used at all.

Are you looking for off-grid solar power near you?

When access with the grid can be difficult or impossible, off-grid solar can be the best alternative. It’s difficult to imagine a camper renouncing solar in favor of a generator which is noisy and costly.

It is also usually the best option for those committed to a low carbon footprint, sustainability-minded lifestyle. Hydropower and wind are more costly than other renewable energy sources like wind and hydropower. They also need reliable water and wind supply.

If you’re a homeowner living in or near a town or city Off-grid might not be the right choice for you.

Off-grid solar systems can be expensive and seldom can provide savings over power from utilities. Due to the high costs of off grid solar, homeowners must install small systems. This can result in major living issues for homeowners.

Grid-tied solar systems are a good option if you’re looking for savings on your financials. They are the cheapest way to go solar and can help you save up to 100,000 in some states. There will always be power when you connect to it.

Learn more about Grid-Tied Solar Systems

Hybrid solar systems are a good alternative if you require backup batteries like the Tesla Powerwall. Hybrid solar systems can be grid-tied with batteries. Hybrid systems are more costly than traditional grid-tied systemsbut can save you money and are still much cheaper as an off-grid setup.

Off-grid system installation is a specialized skill which LA Solar Group solar companies provide. The performance of the setup is vital for the continued operation of the system. We’ll be able to connect you with highly qualified and experienced off-grid installers. All you need to do is fill out the form to request an off-grid quotation.

